Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kid Friendly Stores Rock!

How do you get to browse in quaint Salem stores with your 2 kids 2 and under?
You go to Super Cool Kid Friendly Stores with a Super Cool Mama and her 2!
It starts at the Front Street Coffeehouse where they hold the door open for not one but 2 double strollers then show us where the house basket of kids toys and books is. We grab something to drink and let the kids partake in a mini playdate. Next it is off to Seed Stitch where the super cool owner brings her 3 year old to work, has a basket of toys and Nemo playing. We get some knitting help, order some things and fondle some yarn. Next it is off to Modern Millies where we browse some vintage clothes from yesteryear while the littlest ones nap and the little ones play in the dressing room with vintage sunglasses and bracelets. The final stop is the Army Navy Store...
Such a simple day yet so fun and relaxing! Thank you to all the Kid Friendly Stores and Wonderful Friends

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Super Score!

I scored an Inglesina Swift Twin for Free!! Yippie for Craigslist and having a storage close to it's previous owner!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today I Just might be Committed

Ok so it starts off with Emma screaming at 3:00am..we are trying the CIO so we let it go, and go, and go. At 4:30am we look in on her and she has jammed herself up against the end of the cradle, and has become unswaddled. Next at 5:00am we have Liam screaming so I let him go, until the banging on the crib begins, which I can not and will not tolerate so I go in, and the smell of poop is overwhelming. I change him put him back in the crib with a book and the night light on and tell him it is still night time. He talks and whimpers and doesn't go back to sleep so I get up at 5:45 with him, while I leave Emma cooing and stretching with Paul. We go to a playdate this morning and both my kids were less than perfect..meaning Iwas on Liam's case because he was overtired wouldn't share and was grabby. Emma was fussy and overtired as was I. We head home at noon, and this my friends is where the monster in me comes out!! We are on 93 and Liam is screaming throwing portions of his turkey roll up around the back of the car and kicking my seat repeatedly. I tell him nicely to stop, I scream at him to stop, I grab his leg forcefully and hold it down telling him to stop, all the while Emma is sleeping until he starts hitting her carseat and she starts screaming. I pull over in the breakdown lane, get out get in the back seat and scream at him that I am trying to drive and I know he is tired but he NEEDS to LISTEN and not act like a small animal. I get back in the car we get home and in the driveway and he decides he wants to ride in his car. Now Emma is screaming Liam is tossing a fit because he can't get in the car and I know Mochie is waiting inside to go out. We finally get in, Emma is in her cradle screaming, Liam is in his bed yelling and I am about to lose it! Now 15 minutes later all is quiet. I try to pick up a little check my email get on the time sucker Facebook and 1/2 hour later Liam is awake crying and screaming. It is now almost 3pm and he will not go back to sleep yet he SOO needs it and I need to take a quick nap to or else....please child for your sake and my sanity shut your eyes and GO TO SLEEP!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Baltic Amber Teething Necklace Review, Giveaway, & Discount!

These necklaces are suppose to be great! I'd love to win one or give one away and be able to tell all my Mommy friends about them! Hopefully they are a great teething drug alternative and will work once my little Emma gets teeth :)
Wish me luck all!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kick Ass Necklaces for Cool Mamas :)

When Emma nurses these days she pinches me and pulls my hair...argh I think I need a new necklace for her to hold. These also function and are safe for teething so if you are out and forget a toy, voila your pretty necklace is functional and safe for Baby :) Oh and I like the locked donut in case anyone wants to know.

Another less expensive option and just as pretty are these necklaces and blues, browns, or earthy tones would work with these since the cord is black.
Not sure when Mother's Day is this May but these would make great gifts for new Mom's. They are functional jewelry pieces that are safe for the nuggets! Oh and the colors posted are the ones I like best..hint hint cough cough

Friday, April 2, 2010

I love my JOB!

So I've been having kind of a hard time adjusting to having 2 little kids and the newest having colic, but things are starting to turn around!
Warmer weather means less time inside and less of me saying do not and more of me saying nice job, and I am so proud.
This week has been great! Liam has made me so proud with his behavior and the little person he is turning into! It is amazing the things that come out of this adventurous daring lovable 2 year old, I sometimes think to myself where did he learn that and oh my gosh you are sooo smart. Then I think to myself wow, he is the person he is because of the mother I have been to him. We have had a rough few months but all in all I think he will turn out OK :)
Little Miss Emma have challenged me since the day you entered this world. Such a beautiful little peanut with such BIG demands. The first 3 months with you were enough to send anyone off the deep end, but we hung in and I think we are both getting to learn and adjust to one another! The last few weeks you have been a bundle of smiles and love, I hope you turn out just as wonderful and loving as your big brother!
I am truly blessed with such beautiful amazing children, wonderful family and friends and most of all an AMAZING loving caring wonderful husband and father to our children.
I have been an emotional roller coaster these past few months and I am finally feeling like myself again. Thank you for sticking by me and reminding me of the great person I am, you make me strive to be a better mother for our children. Thank you for working so hard and giving me the life I have always wanted.
Ok enough emotional rambling :) I just needed to get it out and down, so the next time I am having a bad day I can read this and remind myself of all I am thankful for and all that I have.

No poo challenge day one

So today was the first day of the "no-poo" in that I mean no shampoo. I am using the baking soda vinegar thing to see if I get the same results all are raving about!
After having Emma my hair has been a thick dull mess, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try something new, cheap and clean..